SD Child Development Associate (CDA) Program

 There are two options for CDA classes.

ECC CDA Classes

ECC offers CDA Classes for all age settings: infant/toddler, preschool, family childcare, and home visitor.

  • Classes offered September through May

  • Orientation and eight, four-week courses

  • Orientation is in person.

  • Classes are via Zoom on Tuesdays from 6:30-9 p.m.

    • The first class of every module is preferred in-person, at the ECC office, followed by three weeks of ZOOM classes. If distance or circumstances provide difficulty, ZOOM may be done for all classes.

  • Canvas, an online learning platform, is used for submitting work, taking quizzes, and communicating.

  • 80 hours of class + 40 hours of workbook = 120 total hours

  • Students receive transcript at completion of all work.

  • Cost: $800

Benefits include:

  • All supplies provided

  • Networking with other professionals

  • Workbook support

  • Guidance and templates to complete the CDA professional portfolio

  • No payment due at enrollment

  • Full scholarships available if you work in a state-licensed program and are at least a Level 1 on the SD Pathways to Professional Development Career Lattice.


Self-study online CDA classes

An online course with Smart Horizons.

  • Options include infant/toddler or preschool/family

  • 120-hour online self-study program

  • Students receive transcript at completion of all work.


  • $269 due at enrollment (scholarships not available)

  • REQUIRED Competency Standards book, $28 + Tax/Shipping. This required book has the comprehensive scoring instrument to be used during your verification visit. It will guide you in your portfolio assembly.

  • $250 for portfolio support (optional), due at enrollment (scholarships may be available)

Portfolio Support

ECC has videos to help you put together your CDA portfolio. Click here for links to these videos.

 Applying to the CDA Council

Required for application

  • 120 hours of education (ECC, Smart Horizons, etc.)

  • Portfolio

  • 480 hours of work (paid or volunteer) in center-based care over past three years

  • High school diploma or equivalent

  • Exam

  • Verification visit

  • $425 application fee (Contact ECC to learn whether scholarships are available.)

Scholarship qualifications

  • Work in a licensed/registered program

  • Complete the CDA Program

  • Complete the SD Pathways to Professional Development Career Lattice

  • Create YourCouncil account

  • Contact ECC at 605-342-6464 to schedule portfolio review and assess scholarship paperwork.

CDA information


Application videos