Professional Development Calendar
We strive to offer a variety of opportunities, each appropriate to childcare providers of varying experience in the field. Our goal is to provide high quality, affordable classes that challenge and reward participants. Our staff are always willing to answer questions about classes you may be interested in, so feel free to call us.
To register:
email Brandy or call 605-342-6464
View full class options and descriptions below, or download our full training catalog PDF.
Evening with the Experts: Importance of Social Emotional Learning
Intentional and explicit social and emotional learning opportunities in early childhood have lifelong effects. Dr. Anne Meeker Watson from Sing, Play, Love and Kayla Herbener from ECC will discuss the science behind the importance of teaching social emotional skills in early childhood. They will also provide techniques, tips and tricks of the trade when implementing throughout your day. You are encouraged to pre-submit any questions or scenarios that you would like advice from the experts on! Email to submit your questions.
Different Kinds of Smart
The main ways children’s intelligence and abilities are judged in our school system is through their language, math, and science skills. These are very important skills all children should learn, but it is helpful to know that there are many ways to show intellectual ability. Not everyone is “book smart.” This class will discover other abilities and “smarts” that children posses.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
The Growing Brain: Cognitive & Executive Function
In this next session of The Growing Brain series, we learn how cognitive development unfolds and about executive functions and their critical role in cognitive development and learn ways to support the development of both!
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Connecting with Care: Parent Communication Skills Workshop
An engaging training session focused on the essential skills for effective communication with parents! This workshop is designed for educators and caregivers who want to build strong, collaborative relationships with families. We’ll explore key strategies for open and positive dialogue, emphasizing the importance of active listening and empathy. Participants will learn how to navigate sensitive topics, share developmental milestones, and provide constructive feedback in a way that fosters trust and partnership.
Self Care for Caregivers
In the demanding fields of care-giving, it’s easy to neglect our own needs while prioritizing the needs of others. Explore why self-care is essential for reducing burnout and improving the quality of care we provide.
Helping Young Children Understand & Describe Emotions
(NEW) This training will offer numerous play-based activities that are designed to increase a child’s self-awareness, emotional regulation, and self-control.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Teaching Emotional Literacy (Pyramid Model)
Emotional literacy is the foundation to teaching self-regulation, empathy, and many other social and emotional skills. Children must learn to identify, understand and respond to the emotions in oneself and others. In this class we will define emotional literacy, gain a deeper understanding of why these skills are important, as well as strategies to use when implementing emotional literacy into the classrooms, homes, and day to day lives of the children in our care.
Self-Regulation in the First Five Years
Early childhood is a period of rapid brain development that paves the way for developing social emotional skills. This class will provide participants with helpful classroom resources for teaching self-regulation skills to babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Teaching Problem-Solving (Make & Take)
Teaching children how to solve their problems can be a challenge. In this class, we will be learning about the Pyramid Model’s Problem Solving Toolkit. This is a great way to introduce problem solving to young children, and encouraging them to start finding solutions as issues arise. Participants will have the opportunity to print, laminate, and assemble their own “Problem Solving Solutions Toolkit” to use in their classrooms. (Pyramid Model)
Presence and Mindfulness in Early Childhood
This class is designed to bring mindfulness, presence and focus to the work we do. Taking a holistic approach to our own well-being leaves us more capable of supporting the children we care for. In this training we will explore a variety of wellness practices that can support our personal well-being and that of the children in our care.
Using Books to Promote Relationship Skills in Out of School Time Programs
Social emotional literacy is vital for successful friendships and school success. In this class, you will receive high quality books and resources which have hands on activities to support school aged children in social and emotional skill building.
Sharing Concerns with Parents
As early childhood professionals, we have a responsibility to effectively express any concerns to parents and guide them in seeking outside help for their child. Join this class to discuss effective approaches to this subject with parents that are non-threatening and non-invasive.
Taking Off the Training Wheels - OST
This class will explore different ways for leaders in school-age settings to be able to direct, coach, support, and delegate to their staff more efficiently to help them obtain their best potential.
Parent Engagement Strategies
Learn to connect, engage and sustain parent involvement. The importance and benefits of doing so for early childhood providers.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
The Growing Brain: Social Development & Emotional Development
The Growing Brain series continues with learning how social development & emotional development unfolds in the first 5 years. We will discuss what areas of the brain engage in social interactions and emotional reactions so we can understand the role of relationships, attachments, and the effects of stress in social development & emotional development in children.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Evening with the Experts: Professionalism in Early Childhood
Early childhood educators have long struggled with the public’s viewpoint of their profession as a career. As a result, there is an extreme lack of professionalism in the field. If outside stakeholders don’t hold the career in high regard, it can be very difficult to convince ECE teachers to do so. Dr. Rudia Kihura from BHSU and Rose Ludeman from Early Childhood Connections will discuss how early childhood educators can take back their power by owning their career and advocating that their community, state, and nation value them for their worth. You are encouraged to pre-submit any questions or scenarios that you would like advice from the experts on! Email to submit your questions.
Temperaments: Creating Positive Relationships with Colleagues
Everyone has their own unique temperament. This class is designed to help participants identify and rate their own temperament traits, and develop and understanding of the positive and challenging aspects of each temperament trait. We will also be looking at how different temperament traits work together, or fight against each other, and how this sometimes causes issues working together in an early childhood classroom. Lastly, participants will receive tips and tools to adapt to the many different temperament styles to create a positive working relationship between colleagues.
Self Care for Caregivers
Being an early childhood educator can get very stressful. This class will explore the impact of care-giving on care givers. Job burnout, stress, and trauma are discussed as well as self care strategies for caregivers that will help maintain a healthy, happy classroom environment for everyone.
Leading an Early Childhood Classroom
Each childcare classroom is a vibrant blend of diverse skills, experiences, personalities, and teaching styles. This requires thoughtful leadership to foster a collaborative, positive learning environment. As a lead teacher, you play a pivotal role in guiding your teaching team toward success and ensuring that your classroom runs smoothly. This training is designed to empower you, as a lead teacher, to establish clear expectations, and set the direction for your teaching team. You’ll learn how to harness the strengths of your team, navigate challenges, and create an environment that supports both educators and children.
Breathe for Change: Power of Communication
To exist in this world requires us to communicate. Consider how frustrating it is when a toddler has no words, a student is struggling to grasp what is being taught, a teacher is given more responsibilities with an already full load and a parent has expectations that are not met. Communication is a key factor in all of these situation. In this training, participants will explore communication as a way to advocate for ourselves, our children and each other. As we increase our own ability to communicate and build resiliency in ourselves, we begin to shift school and community culture around positive and reflective communication, resulting in an best outcomes for kids.
When Teamwork Is Difficult
This training will support your teamwork efforts by exploring the following: 1) working with difficult people; 2) planning for and having a difficult conversation at work; 3) understanding your conflict management style; 4) responding to an angry person.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Advocacy in Action
Hardships are a common part of life, and having a trusted person to turn to can have a significant impact. As providers, we are committed to advocating for the needs of those we serve. Understanding the resources available in our community empowers us to guide others effectively. Join us to discover support options for at-risk families and learn practical strategies for offering assistance to those in need.
Child Development Milestones-Early Learning Guidelines as a Guide
A look into how to recognize developmental milestones and why understanding them is important. Make and take examples on how to encourage these milestones.
Leading an Early Childhood Classroom
Each childcare classroom is a vibrant blend of diverse skills, experiences, personalities, and teaching styles. This requires thoughtful leadership to foster a collaborative, positive learning environment. As a lead teacher, you play a pivotal role in guiding your teaching team toward success and ensuring that your classroom runs smoothly. This training is designed to empower you, as a lead teacher, to establish clear expectations, and set the direction for your teaching team. You’ll learn how to harness the strengths of your team, navigate challenges, and create an environment that supports both educators and children.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Professionalism in the Workplace
In this class, we will go over the importance of professionalism in the Early Childhood workplace. We will explore your professional role in childcare, discuss new and effective communication styles, and learn how to show appreciation to your co-workers.
The Growing Brain: Understanding Behavior
In this session of The Growing Brain, we will be discussing various areas of the brain and how they influence young children’s behaviors. We look at different approaches for identifying the root cause of young children’s behavior and discuss different effective strategies to address challenging behaviors in young children.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Evening with the Experts: Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Education has gone through waves of transformation over the years. Dr. Sydney Haugland from BHSU and Jessi Beedle from Early Childhood Connections will discuss the role that early childhood educators play in implementing these practices in the early learning environment. You are encouraged to pre-submit any questions or scenarios that you would like advice from the experts on! Email to submit your questions.
Circle Time: What’s Appropriate?
Is circle time a struggle in your classroom? Whole group learning can be a powerful teaching strategy, but only when it’s developmentally appropriate for the children in your care. In this class we will talk about the dos and don’ts of circle time, strategies to improve engagement, and activities that will improve the learning experience for all.
Learning Through Play: Math
Kindergarten readiness is the main focus for all early childhood educators, but that doesn’t mean we need to replace engaging play activities with worksheets! In this class you will learn how to teach mathematical concepts using a play-based learning approach. We will be exploring hands-on activities, games, and lessons to use as you introduce important early math concepts.
Active Bodies, Active Minds
Understand the link between a child’s brain development and the importance of movement. Learn how different movement activities can promote social and emotional development in children as well as reduce challenging behaviors.
ASL for EC 1.1
American Sign Language use in an early learning environment can support cognitive, motor and, of course, language development. In this class we will establish some easy ways to include ASL into your everyday with children, even if you have never taken a signing class. When exposing children to a new language it is also important to understand a bit of the language nuances and culture. This class will also touch on some experience that can teach kids about deafness.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Play Based Learning: Big Questions for Young Minds
Being able to extend children’s thinking by asking high level questions is the key to success when it comes to play based learning. In this class we will look at Bloom’s Taxonomy and how this theory can guide us to asking high-level questions as children organically play and interact in their environment. Participants will have an opportunity to brainstorm specific questions that they can ask in different learning centers including dramatic play, blocks, mathematics, science and sensory, writing and art.
Eat Smart, Move More in OST
Out-of-school time programs are the perfect setting for supporting healthy lifestyles. Participants will receive ides and resources to assist them in creating a culture of positive health. This class will increase educator’s understanding of: NAA’s HELPA (Healthy Eating and Physical Health) Standards for OST Programs.
Early Childhood Literacy Practices
Join for a summary of literacy theories and practices in the early learning environment. We will explore hands-on, make and take examples on how to incorporate these elements successfully.
Building Resilience in Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers
Participants will identify behaviors in young children that are tied to resilience: attachment/relationships, self-regulation, & initiative. Participants will also develop strategies that strengthen resilience in young children.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Creating Successful Learning Environments
In this class we will be discussing how a child’s environment effects their learning. We will be exploring what age appropriate materials should be included in the environment and how to analyze your room arrangement to promote a positive learning experience.
QUIET Box Classroom Management System Make and Take
If you work with toddlers to school age, there is a time in every day where there is a lot of shushing. A Quiet Box can support an important time of day. We will cover a variety of ways to use a quiet box system to support quiet independent exploration and ways to customize your own quiet box.
Environmental Rating Scales: A Foundation for Quality Childcare
This course provides a clear and straightforward explanation of how the Environmental Rating Scales (ERS) assess “quality” in childcare classrooms. We will explore the origins of these scales, intent behind their design, and demonstrate how they reflect classroom quality. We will also compare and contrast the South Dakota Early Learning Guidelines with the ERS, uncovering both their differences and similarities.
Play-Based Learning-Dramatic Play
Participants will learn what dramatic play is, and why it is so important for development of the young children in their care. We will discuss how dramatic play can be used to develop different skills that are included in the Early Learning Guidelines, brainstorm ideas to incorporate into the classroom and how to write these ideas into their lesson plans.
Small Space, Big Learning
Setting up a classroom that suits learning, movement and overall wellbeing for all is the focus of this class. We will review the elements of a quality childcare environment, discuss a variety of multifunction spaces and discover many great organizing techniques for DAP in early childhood.
Evening with the Experts: Program Management
Staffing in Early Childhood Education is a real issue that provides extreme ramifications in the program management aspect. Andrea Neff from DSS and Ashleigh Young from Early Childhood Connections will discuss the complexities that are involved in this issue, what administration can do as preventative measures and what early childhood educators should do to cope with the stress of staffing issues that falls on themselves and their classroom. You are encouraged to pre-submit any questions or scenarios that you would like advice from the experts on! Email to submit your questions.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Mastering the Message
Discover the importance of learning effective communication skills and the essential role these skills play in a person’s development and success throughout life. Through interactive activities and discussions, we will highlight how strong communication fosters self-confidence, builds relationships, and enhances learning.
ASL for EC 1.2
Learning American Sign language and implementing it into your early childhood classroom takes practice. In this training participants will practice the language they gained in the first ASL for EC. Participates should have completed ASL for EC in the past 2 years through ECC.
Building Resilience in Adults
Participants will complete the Resiliency & Self-Care Inventory, which measures Professional Vitality, Personal Vitality, Professional Stress & Personal Stress. Participants will analyze their results and create a self-care plan for themselves.
The Growing Brain: Everyday Play
Instructor: Dennise Ottenbacher
Want to learn the role of the brain in the process of play? In this class, learn to understand the stages and types of play that unfolds in early childhood and how to maximize children’s learning through play.
Core Knowledge & Competencies Category: Child Guidance & Emotional Well-Being
Location: Online
Child’s Age & Provider Level:
0-5 years, All levels
Breathe for Change: Power of Communication
To exist in this world requires us to communicate. Consider how frustrating it is when a toddler has no words, a student is struggling to grasp what is being taught, a teacher is given more responsibilities with an already full load and a parent has expectations that are not met. Communication is a key factor in all of these situation. In this training, participants will explore communication as a way to advocate for ourselves, our children and each other. As we increase our own ability to communicate and build resiliency in ourselves, we begin to shift school and community culture around positive and reflective communication, resulting in an best outcomes for kids.
Beyond Walls, Windows, and Rugs
Out-of-school time program environments are more than four walls, windows, furniture, and rugs. Learn how your program can overcome space obstacles and be on the road to quality programming.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Safety in Summer
Summer time for school age kids is a very exciting time. This class will go over planning tips for a safe, engaging, and well rounded experience that will help children have a summer to remember. Topics will cover creating a calender that is educational and child-centered, making sure your first aid kit contains what you need, and ideas for making sure children’s needs will be met while out and about so they can thrive while staying safe.
Safe Sleep Essentials: Protecting Infants and Toddlers in the Classroom
This course focuses on the safe sleep practices required in infant and toddler classrooms to protect the well-being of the youngest children in our care. Participants will learn about key guidelines and regulations, including the importance of proper sleep positioning, crib safety, and creating a risk-free sleep environment that reduces the risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Confidence with Conflict
Conflict resolution can feel daunting, but it’s a vital skill for success in life. Discover effective strategies to manage and resolve conflicts that promote understanding, strengthen relationships, and create a positive environment.
Strengthening Business Practices: Budgets, Projections and Planning
Strengthening Business Practices is a series developed by the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance. Our ECE system has adapted it with state specific information regarding best business practices supporting childcare centers in budgets, projections and planning.
Safe Food Handling
In this class we will take a look at what a food borne illness is, symptoms, whom it affects and steps to prevent it in the ECE setting. Participants will have opportunities for hands on learning including practicing serving food using proper procedures, as well as using glow germ kits to see how easily germs can spread when appropriate hand washing and safe food handling is not utilized.
Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
This course equips childcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to child abuse and neglect. Participants will learn the types of abuse and neglect, signs and symptoms to watch for, and how to create a safe and nurturing environment that reduces the risk of harm. We will explore best practices for reporting suspected abuse, understanding mandatory reporting laws, and collaborating with families sand community resources.
Fuel Your Flame
This class outlines ways we as teachers can become burnt out in our careers while caring for children. It describes healthy habits and routines to engage in as well as how to manage children’s stress. It also describes ideas to find our WHY again and keep our flame going.
Strengthening Business Practices 2: Recruiting and Retaining Staff
Strengthening Business Practices is a series developed by the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance. Our ECE system has adapted it with state specific information regarding best business practices supporting childcare centers in recruiting and retaining quality staff.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Safe Technology Practices for Children
A deep-dive into how we can help foster safe and appropriate learning across diverse forms of media. Examples and ways to implement technology in relevant ways in early childhood.
The Growing Brain: Communication & Language Development
We continue the Growing Brain series learning about key milestones in language development and the brain’s role in its growth from birth to 5 years old. We will gain strategies for supporting early communication skills and understand multi-language learning and how to support the process.
3D Art for Preschoolers
It is important to display kids’ work in the classroom in order to give them ownership of the space and to give them pride in their work. As teachers, we are always searching for more space to do this and to see how to do it in creative, tasteful ways. You will be given a variety of ways to do just that in this class.
Active Bodies Need an Active Classroom!
We will look at the importance of physical movement throughout the day for a child. Then we will learn different ways to incorporate it through planned and spontaneous ways throughout the day! Come prepared to move your body, as we learn best through doing!
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (6th of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Using Music Education in the Preschool Classroom
Learn how to incorporate more music throughout your day! We will build a resource kit with you that provides lessons, transitions and games to utilize in your class. We will also learn ways to meet many Early Learning Guidelines through music.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Leading Active Games with School-agers
Training for educators of school-age children on how to lead active games effectively, what all goes into planning age-appropriate activities and the added benefits of active games. This class follows NAA Hepa Standards and the developmental needs of school-age children.
Tiny Hands, Big Creations: Art Adventures for Infants and Toddlers
Join us for a dynamic class designed to unlock the creative potential of infants and toddlers through the magic of art! In this training, we will explore the unique ways young children learn and express themselves through creative processes. Participants will gain valuable insights into crafting engaging and developmentally appropriate art experiences that foster exploration, curiosity, and self-expression. We’[ll share practical tips and tricks to minimize frustrations for educators while maximizing child-directed outcomes, ensuring that each little artist can shine.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (5th of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Play Based Learning: Art
Playful learning in early childhood is identified as being best practice for children birth through age 8. When children have the opportunity to make choices in the materials they use, and the outcome of their creations, they are learning the skills that they need to be successful in school, and life. In this class, we will talk about the difference between product art and process art as well as higher level questioning practices that teachers can provide to guide children’s thought processes and learning.
Displaying Child Art
It is important to display kids’ work in the classroom in order to give them ownership of the space and to give them pride in their work. As teachers, we are always searching for more space to do this and to see how to do it in creative, tasteful ways. You will be given a variety of ways to do just that in this class.
Behavior + Feelings + Temperament
This class will explore the characteristics of temperament and how temperament influences behavior. Participants will assess their own temperament as well as the temperament of a child and examine how understanding temperament can strengthen resilience.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (4th of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Promoting Parent Engagement
Explore the vital role parents play in their child’s educational journey and discover how active involvement enhances student achievement, strengthens relationships, and fosters a deeper love for learning.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Learning Activities for Energetic Kids
Learn inclusive activity ideas to do with school age children hat supports movement and social/emotional development.
Evening with the Experts: “Specials” Art, Music and PE in the ECE Environment
The “Specials” in education, Music, Physical Education and Art are often viewed as supplementary but are just as important and impactful learning opportunities as the traditional disciplines. In this interactive webinar, our experts Dr. Breon Derby from BHSU and Krista Caldwell from ECC will look at the importance of implementing these disciplines with intention and fidelity in ECE environments. They will discuss the importance and life-long effects each area has on a child’s development and what the early childhood educator’s role in this should be. Lack of ECE teacher training and confidence within these disciplines leads to the likelihood of these being taught less often in the early years. You are encouraged to pre-submit any questions or scenarios that you would like advice from the experts on! Email to submit your questions.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (3rd of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Mastering the Message
Discover the importance of learning effective communication skills and the essential role these skills play in a person’s development and success throughout life. Through interactive activities and discussions, we will highlight how strong communication fosters self-confidence, builds relationships, and enhances learning.
Early Learner Behavior Support
Young children’s behavior can be the most challenging to support. We will review developmental domains and stages of children ages Birth-5. We will touch on the importance of temperament, relationship-based care and environment in relation to behavior. We will share strategies to empower children and put together some great management tools to take with you.
Using Books to Promote Relationship Skills in Preschool
Social emotional literacy is vital for successful friendships and school readiness. In this class, you will receive high quality books and resources which have hands on activities to support preschooler social and emotional skill building.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (2nd of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED
This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross Certification. Certificates are good for two years.
Guiding the Behavior of Individual Children
This class will explore a variety of positive approaches to guiding behavior of individual school-aged children in OST programs and explore strategies for creating a positive environment and foster understanding of common causes of conflict in OST programs. This knowledge and understanding will help educators develop strategies to help school-agers self-regulate and form positive relationships with others.
Understanding ASD in Early Childhood
We will take a look at what Autism Spectrum Disorder is and what symptoms may be displayed in early childhood. We will learn scaffolding techniques and methods to help assure inclusivity in the classroom for ASD children.
Uplifting Yoga for the Winter (1st of the 6-part series)
This training will explore the benefits of yoga to teachers and their students. Yoga connects your body to your breath, and this fosters awareness and control. You will learn simple winter themed yoga sequences that are appropriate for all fitness levels and accompanied by deep belly breathing practice. You will gain ways to engage children in body awareness and control for the classroom. Optional: For classroom resources, a yoga kit that includes yoga mats, yoga cards, and a book plus 3 bonus training hours will be available when you participate in Technical Assistance with Dennise.
Creating Cozy Corners for Self-Regulation
Creating a cozy corner in your classroom can help your kids learn how to manage their big emotions. A cozy corner learning center provides a safe place for young children to go where they can calm down when they’re feeling mad, sad, nervous, or experiencing any big emotion. Participants will learn about creating and implementing Cozy Corners in their classrooms and make & take some self-regulation items to incorporate into their classrooms as well.